
Spiders in the windows

One of the up- or downsides (depending on who you ask) of putting blinds in the windows is that you occasionally discover new spiders when you open the blinds from time to time.

This morning while I was talking to Sarah on the phone, I found this orb-weaver parked in the frame of our bay window:

And this little family was hiding behind our breakfast nook:

Somebody's been busy!


At 22/10/05 10:52 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

that spider is huge! and there's eggs! (right...?) definitely good to be on the outside of the window

At 23/10/05 2:11 PM, Blogger Wray Davis said...

Well, there's two different sets of pictures there. The really big spider is in the front of the house, and while it's hard to make out from the pictures, if she had her legs unfurled (they're tucked up under her, she'd probably have a two-inch leg-span. No egg sacs that I saw, though.

The other spiders are in the back yard, and are pretty small, but have been very productive. The mom had 4 egg sacs - at least they were all in her web, so I'm assuming they're hers.

At 23/10/05 3:59 PM, Blogger anne said...

Those same kind of egg sacks were EVERYWHERE in our house when we moved in. Everywhere! I vacummed them all up with the shop vac, but not before hundreds of baby spiders escaped and have since been finding every corner and every angle in the house to set up shop.


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