
Goodbye, Heddy

Heddy, the oldest of our three cats, died this morning. He hadn't been as spry since the move out to Georgia, and in the last month he lost a lot of weight and started slowing down. Each time in the last few weeks that we took him to the vet in the last few weeks he had improved, but yesterday he started to slow down. Today I took him to the vet while Kim had to be at work, and he stopped breathing while on an I.V. and couldn't be revived. We will miss him much.

Here are a couple of pictures Kim took last night:

Heddy would have been 19 next month. Kim rescued him about 10 years ago - he was at a Petco, and had been saved from a previous owner who kept him locked in a basement and let him drink out of the pipes under the house. Despite all of this, he was very pleasant and well-tempered, and was very hospitable to me when I first met Kim, and to our other two cats when we adopted them.


At 22/10/05 10:54 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

so sorry.


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