
An Excursion to California

I just got back from a quickie trip to Orange County, courtesy of Netifice (the company I work for). They sent me out there to "finish training" Robert, a west-cost Netificer who had been out in Atlanta a few weeks earlier to learn how to do Activations. That's what they told me, anyway - actually, I was out there to receive an award for good service, which means Kim and I will be going on a little mini-vacation next month for a few days, all expenses paid! I have to admit, I suspected something was amiss when I was being flown out at a cost of more than a thousand dollars to train someone who, by all accounts, was doing an excellent job, and no-one could come up with what I was supposed to train him in.

In any case, I took a few pictures, especially from the plane, as is my wont.

Downtown Atlanta

I really like this view (out an airplane window, that is)

A city in the shadows

Downtown Somewhere else

An Arizonan volcano (quite extinct, but you can see the river of lava-stone)


More impacts?

City Planning

Costa Mesa

Sunset at 20,000 ft


I got there a little early so I could visit a bit while out. I spent a day with Todd and Cindy, and an evening with Jill, Gavin, Dad, and Grandma Charlotte.

Good Times


Jill et herbs


I'll probably post a few to my photo account on DeviantArt after I've had a chance to balance and crop a few of the plane pictures.


At 10/2/06 3:47 PM, Blogger anne said...

Sweet, Bryan! Congratulations on the award :)

At 10/2/06 4:01 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

that is so cool! congratulations!

At 11/2/06 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sooooo glad for you. Where do you get to go? We'll be glad to help with the pets if we are home and we can try to be home if you give us some notice. You've been working really hard and deserve it. yahoo bry


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