
Weekend activities

Kim and I have not been proceeding with the redecorating quite as quickly as we hoped, but we're still doing quite a bit. There's a lot to do when you have a house! Of course, we (I) had to take some time off to watch Star Wars (twice), and then we spent most of Saturday shopping, originally for a filing cabinet, but that spun off in a search for a new keyboard, mouse, and monitor (for which I feel guilty, since that was the last of our moving-in money to buy new things with, but Kim gave me the thumbs up.

While we were at Fry's picking out monitors, I picked up a spool of Cat5e (network cable) and a bag of clips. Our livingroom downstairs, along with the front and back porch, are the deadest zone for the wireless network, and, since that's where we use it the most, that needed changing. Along with mowing the lawn, I spent most of Sunday crawling under the house, through the attic, along the eaves, etc. in order to find the best route to run the cable. So, now I have an 80ft line running through a hole in the wall, inside an eave and down along a vent pipe into storage room in the garage, next to a cold water pipe through the cobweb-strewn gap under the stairs, through a narrow gap around the copper pipe through the brick in the waterline, staple up under the crawlspace beneath three rooms, and up through a hole near the molding in the living room behind the TV. We picked up a second wireless router at Fry's as well, and now not only can we surf consistantly, but the Xbox and Tivo have connections, too!


At 24/5/05 7:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you got it done ok. No spider bites or major run ins?
No cool bug pictures from this weekend?

At 4/6/05 7:24 AM, Blogger anne said...

Somehow I missed this posting before. That's quite an adventure in your new house...It's funny how intimate you get with the behind the scenes parts of your own house. I remeber following Dad into the attic and under the house a little bit on Gard Street--but since then I've remained uneventfully on the painted side of my rented walls.

At 4/6/05 4:59 PM, Blogger Wray Davis said...

No major run-ins to speak of, though there were many memories of bellying along under the Gard House. Somebody before me had the splendid idea of stretching plastic tarps over the whole underside of the house, which is very handy, but it does lead to sore knees when you kneel on a rock hidden in the folds of the tarp.


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