
A Nephew!

I had a niece, and now a nephew! Sarah had her first son and second child - Isaiah Wray Budd - and apparently, he and his mother are both healthy and doing just fine.

So.. Sarah's first, Ellen, has my birthday. Her second has my middle name. I'm worried for the third. If he/she ends up with either my looks or (as Todd put it) my charming personality, they're in for a rough time of it!

Congratulations Sarah and David! (and Ellen!)


At 3/4/05 3:35 PM, Blogger Wray Davis said...

Thanks, Niki!

At 4/4/05 11:52 PM, Blogger Meadow said...

Congratulations! That rocks! I am an auntie of five and the one who is named after me, has my personality, too. She drives her parents crazy. I think she's pretty cool. ;o)


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