
Update on the house, or lack thereof

We've reached the eye of the house-buying storm - the brief series of weeks where no-one's emailing every few minutes asking for a new signature and faxback. It's pretty much smooth sailing from here to the closing table, unless something unexpected pops up. We still need to get homeowner's insurance, and the lawyer needs to produce a survey, but neither of those should be a problem. We're really exicted! Kim and I have been buying housy-things - mostly small pieces on clearance at Pier1, and mostly Kim buys them and brings them back and I say "Good choice!". We did get a breakfast nook set that she picked out, though, and that was a bit of an investment, but still less than the worth of the set, and it will do a lot to brighten up and fill out the kitchen. "Good choice, honey!"

Two weeks from this Tuesday is the closing date, and week after that we move in!


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