

I've made it through the histories, the Psalms, Proverbs, the Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, and now I'm into Isaiah, the first of the major prophets.

There wasn't too much surprising or new in the last few books, though I always enjoy the Psalms. I'm typically not a fan of poetry because of how dense it is, and how much effort it usually takes to extract any real meaning. Poems, to me, are kind of like Brazil nuts. But the Psalms have never really seemed that deep to me - rather they're pure and real - they're the hymns you sing when your a kid and you're idealistic and you can feel the emotion tingling down your spine.

But Solomon is, I think, becoming one of my new favorite characters. I may try to work him into the Ohida storyline. What little is in the Bible is enticing. That the same man produced Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon is intriguing. But I recall hearing that there is a lot of Solomon mythology out there - that he is responsible for fighting devils and creating the djinni, that he is a big character in old Arabic stories. I'd really like to look into this.

Does anyone have any recommended reading they know about? I'm sure I can find something on Amazon if not.


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