
I need a personal manager

When I'm at work, I'm an exceptionally productive person. I trust my own judgement in that, but I have a feeling that all of my managers after Barnes & Noble would agree (I was not a productive salesman!). Around the house, when it comes to chores, I'm reasonably reliable. The trash will go out, if not immediately. The dishes do get cleaned, if not that night. The lawn will get mowed (so I keep telling myself).

When it comes to my own personal projects, though - writing, drawing, etc., staying in shape, maintaining a sense of style, and even the more developmental home jobs (like the landscaping), I'm just not great at getting things done. It's not really through a lack of effort or attention - I'm great at starting projects, at working around their edges, at planning them and laying them out, but not at methodically driving through them. I think to myself that I work while its fun, and abandon what becomes dull, but that's not really a problem with work or chores. And it's not a problem when my personal projects are being overseen by someone other than me.

For example, I have a handful of Coera-related drawings languishing in the "Current" folder, but I push myself to wring out a SWAG drawing for each monthly challenge. I peck around the corner of several stories I'm writing now, but in my novel writing classes, I could turn out 60 solid pages in two months, breaking right through the dull spots and the writer's block and the incessent short breaks to get a glass of water or check what Kim's doing.

So, I think the thing is, I need a personal manager. I don't need to be graded on my work, or paid for it. It's not the fear of losing a paycheck or even, really, the motivation of getting a raise or a promotion that makes me want to do a good job. It's the recognition from my manager and my co-workers that make it worthwhile. I'd never be happy with building a very clever database that tracked what I was struggling to manage with paper receipts, unless I showed it to someone else and got some kind of praise for it. The utility of my work and the self-satisfaction are there as factors, but they are completely outweighed by the external response.

So I need someone who is invested in the silly things I do, in my health, in my writing, in my drawing, in my home repairs, who will give me meaningful deadlines, who will give me a bar to surpass, who will give me someone to impress so I'll strive for excellence.

Maybe that is a role husbands and wives are meant to play for each other. Perhaps the back and forth "nagging" which has become a comic charicature of traditional marriages is an adaptive form of co-management that fills this need for everyone who feels it (which is everyone)? But "traditional" family cohesion is popularly supplanted by unions of co-individuals, partners whose interests are a sort of Venn Diagram - they are cuffed at the wrists with some common interests, but are largely facing different directions. Maybe thats a better picture of the "traditional" family structure, too, once you get to know June and Ward Cleaver as people instead of as Beaver's Parents.

But maybe what I really need is to figure out how to make self-satisfaction meaningful. How can I do this without becoming narcissistic or anti-social? Is it even possible - is it a personality trait, or a feature I can cultivate in myself, like courtesy or generosity?


At 30/7/06 6:45 PM, Blogger anne said...

I am quite the same way. Mark often teases me for being so dependant on my supervisors' approval and praise.

Anyway, I love reading your writing. I would love to be owed weekly installments. I have been wanting to read and copy edit "Diamond in the Snow," but (even though I read a great deal of it before) have found the length of it a bit intimidating. (I actually have a hard time sitting still long enough to read a chapter-at-a-time of my leisure reading books).

Maybe if you sent me installments by a deadline it could solve both of those problems. I could read your work. And you could have a deadline. :)

Just a thought. I'm totally up for it if you are. But if you think it's silly or won't work...no pressure.

As far as getting exercise, I have always counted on my jobs for excercise (that and dancing wildly around the house in fits of pop-music celebrations). But I think I might be about to embark on a new leg of my career, wherein I shall have to find regular excercise somehow outside of work...so, let me know if you think of anything really great :)

At 31/7/06 8:06 PM, Blogger Wray Davis said...

Actually, I think it's a great idea, if you're really up for it.

How about this? I need to do a print-and-edit on Act I of Diamond in Snow anyway, to make it more coherent and consistant. What if I were to email you (and anyone else who would be interested?) a section or two (a few pages) on Thursday each week. I could probably even get the first section out by this Thursday. Then I can work on any comments I get over the weekend, and work on the next section over the following weekdays.

As far as exercise goes, I wish racquetball was still in vogue. That was great fun.

At 2/8/06 5:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raquetball doesn't have to be in vogue fr you to do it. I think most health clubs still have courts and classes. Since you have semi regular hours now you could join and get in some games.
I am up for the Thursday installments...


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