And now for something completely different
This post could be considered gross, crass, or uncouth. If you are unsettled by things of a bodily nature, skip to some movie reviews down below. Otherwise, read on.
I hate it when I get those little spots on the inside lip of your nose - zits, pimples, blemishes, arbitrary oil reservoirs - call them what you will. The skin there is so tight that any little irritation is a big irritation, and of course the only thing you can do with them is "take care of them". Even worse are when they aren't pimples at all, but impacted/ingrown hairs, since those can require some operation to extricate.
Well, I had one such this last week, and boy was it getting painful. I thought I'd freed it up a few days back, but that spot on my nose kept getting more and more tender, and the outside of my nose was getting redder and more swollen in response. I've always wondered how deep one would have to go to get to the inside from the outside (not very far, I thought, since the lip of the nostrils seems to be about twice as wide as the rest of the nose wall). In any case, I barely scratched at the swollen knot on the outside of my nose and out sprung the root end of a hair! I couldn't really believe it at first, so I investigated it closely. It was clearly the root end. Finally, after Kim had assured me she wasn't at all interested, I took some tweezers and pulled the hair out - backwards. That was a strange feeling.
Anyway, I thought this was so remarkable I had to share, even though it will probably cut my meager readership down to a trickle. [grin]
That IS remarkable!
I was really scared you were going to have operated on your nose and have done some permanent damage...phew!
I (gross as this may sound) love getting "things" (puss, clogged pore collections, black heads, etc.) out of skin. I think unlike Kim I really would have liked to see that hair coming out the back side!
that is quite weird. i never thought of that happening.
I think I have to agree with Anne. Glad it's better Bry :-)
LOL! Now that's funny (more stange than HaHa)! I can relate, though I hate to admit it. I can say I have never had a zit so big it actually came out the other side of my nose. I typically only have to worry about the facial ingrown hairs thank goodness!
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