

: reading -

by George MacDonald

From the back cover:

'"Lilith is equal if not superior to the best of Poe,' wrote W.H. Auden in his introduction to the 1954 reprint of George MacDonald's Lilith ... It is the story of Mr. Vane, an orphan and heir to a large house - a house in which he has a vision that leads him through a large old mirror into another world. In chronicling the five trips Mr. Vane makes into this other world, MacDonald hauntingly explores the ultimate mystery of evil."

This will be the third time I've read this book, but it's been somewhere between 8 to 10 years, and at one time, it was my favorite book. (That dubious honor now belongs to Stranger in a Strange Land.) George MacDonald was C.S. Lewis' greatest influence, and that alone makes him worth notice, but as I recall, the books he wrote were among the best fairy tales I've ever read.


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